“The main goal is not to complicate the already difficult life of the consumer”
User experience (UX) is a person’s emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, effective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person’s perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency.
User experience may be subjective to the degree that it is about individual perception and thought concerning a product or system. User experience varies dynamically, constantly modifying over time due to changing usage circumstances. Simplified, user experience is about how a user interacts with, and experiences, a product. (Wikipedia).
User Experience is the holistic journey users traverse as they use a product. Not only does it include their direct interactions with the product, but also how it fits in with their overall task completion process. According to Peter Morville; a pioneer in the UX field, seven factors describe User Experience:
- Useful
- Usable
- Findable
- Credible
- Desirable
- Accessible
- Valuable
Let’s be frank, no one will want to purchase something that is not useful. A product with no purpose is unlikely to be able to compete for attention alongside a market full of purposefulness. People are more obsessed with a brand or company product that yields better results, quickly and effectively. You must, therefore, ensure that your product(s) meets this criterion.
How easy is it for your users to utilize your product to effectively and efficiently achieve their end objective? Usability answers this question. Considering the usability feature as critical in developing a product is most. The products or services that are offered by you should be ready-to-use.
Your product must be easy to find. In the instance of digital and information products; the content within them must be easy to find too; the same applies to all potential users of that product. It is better to publish your products on as many platforms that are exclusively available for promotion. Make your product findable.
No user will give you a second chance to undo the negative impression your product gave them. With numerous options in nearly every field, they can easily choose a credible product provider. Users want to be able to trust your product. Making your product trust-worthy is indeed a vital factor to consider.
Desirability refers to how much your product or service is sought after. Desire is created around design, emotional design, branding, image, company lifestyle, and aesthetics. The more a product is desirable, the more existing users are likely to create a desire in others.
Accessibility is about providing an experience which can be accessed by users of a full range of abilities; this includes those who are disabled in some respect such as hearing loss, impaired vision, motion impaired or learning impaired.
Finally, your product must provide value to users. Your user must find value in your product if not, there is no point in them using it. They just won’t. For you, the business, providing value is the easiest way to get conversions and ultimately build a strong relationship with a loyal customer base.
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Charisol is a User Experience(UX) Focused Design & Dev Agency with a team of Software Designers & Developers based in Africa