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Custom Digital Solutions for Startups

by Michael Enunwa

August 28, 2024


If there’s one avenue for growth business startups should invest in, it should be digital solutions, for exposure. Why? Riddle me this, according to Forbes more than 5 billion individuals use the internet on a daily basis, and let’s say your niche audience is around 1% of this figure (depending on your research), that’s still a huge pool of potential clients if you play your cards right! 

The question should rather be “Why not?” 

Custom Digital solutions for startups is a no-brainer for anyone who wants to get the best out of their business. It is literally the first place to begin if you want to source for an audience or visibility for your business, that’s if you really want to do well of course. 

With custom digital solutions, you can literally streamline your business to meet your target audience, rather than use a generic formula that might not work in your favor. This is where Charisol comes in. Knowing your market audience is not enough, you’ll need an expert to help you identify trends and navigate them to meet your marketing goals, whilst getting the desired result. 

You don’t think custom digital solutions are necessary? Well, below are some challenges your business startup will most likely encounter if you choose to neglect the obvious. 

Challenges Startups Face Without Custom Solutions

1. Limited Flexibility and Scalability

Let’s say your business manages to grow without you requiring a digital solution, and all of a sudden, you are overwhelmed with orders and functions that may require you to spend more on human personnel to meet up. In the long run, you’d have to spend more on wages and salary which would have been avoided if you had a hang of things with custom digital solutions. 

2. Integration Issues

Peradventure, you decide to go custom with your digital solutions rather than seek a generic model, you may end up having a challenge of integrating certain elements to align with the new vision which may not be cost free. 

3. Higher Long-Term Costs

Digital solutions for startups

This is obviously the ripple effect of point 2 and 3 listed above — higher long term cost. It’s like the proverb I learnt while growing up, “penny wise, pound foolish”. Your decision not to streamline your brand to best suit your business and audience might cost you dearly in the future when you later choose to comply. Why not spend now and save later? 

4. Security and Compliance Risks

Digital solutions for startups

The truth is that generic software may not provide the level of security or compliance that startups need, especially those in regulated industries. An effective reason could be that the broad user base of these solutions can make them more vulnerable to cyberattacks, and they may not offer the specific security features required to protect sensitive data. Having a security breach at the early stage of your business is not something anyone prepares for, so it’s best avoided. 

Benefits of Custom Digital Solutions for Startups

Why be like every other startup out there when you have the option to be different and unique at what you do, even though there are others doing the same thing? 

The benefits of having a custom digital solution for your startup is enormous, but I’ll be listing a few important ones shortly. 

1. Tailored Fit for Specific Business Needs

Custom digital solutions are designed with the specific needs of your startup in mind. This not only ensures that the software or website aligns perfectly with your business model, workflows, and objectives, it also leads to a greater efficiency and effectiveness overall for your business. 

2. Designed to Support Growth

As startups grow, their needs change. When you have Digital Custom solutions, your startup is allowed to add new features, handle increased user loads, and integrate additional services without the limitations often encountered with generic software.

3. Competitive Advantage

Digital Custom solutions help startups to create unique products, services, and customer experiences that differentiate them from competitors. How? By offering something unique that cannot be easily copied — at least without setting up legal alarms — startups can attract and retain more customers.

4. Enhanced Customer Experience

With custom digital solutions for a startup, startups can now have a more personalized and easy customer experience. This could be through a tailored e-commerce platform, a mobile app, or anything at all that comes to mind. These solutions help meet the specific needs and preferences of the target audience, thereby, driving higher satisfaction and loyalty to the customer base.

6. Improved Security and Compliance

This cannot be overemphasized. Custom digital solutions can be developed with specific security measures tailored to your startup’s needs. This way, sensitive data is protected and the business complies with industry regulations. This is particularly important for startups handling personal or financial information, where heightened security is usually the foundation of the company. 

Lastly, it is cost effective. Maintenance is usually routine and there are no massive upgrades to versions, compared to when a general model is used. There’s really nothing to lose here. 

Charisol approach to custom solutions for startups 

At Charisol, we believe in business being unique, yet being acceptable by all and sundry. We are wired to tailor your business to make it unique and accepted by all who come across it. 

One of our major success stories would be MUZINGO. Unlike the many online Music Bingo platforms out there, Muzingo stood and dominated the space in such a short while, why? It is different! Instead of going with the norm of what Music Bingo was ABOUT, we designed MUZINGO to suit the version our client had, and I can tell you for a fact that it has truly revolutionized the Music Bingo space and made it the yardstick for others to copy from. 

Do you want the same for your business, let us know what you want, and see your dreams transform to reality. 


Startups face a unique set of challenges that can hinder growth and innovation if not addressed properly. While a common software might offer a temporary solution, the limitations and risks associated with it can hold a startup back. 

Whereas, custom digital solutions provide a tailored, easy, and secure approach that not only addresses the specific needs of a startup but also supports long-term growth, competitiveness, and success. For startups looking to thrive in a fast-paced, competitive market, investing in custom digital solutions is not just a smart choice—it’s essential.


Picture of Michael Enunwa

Michael Enunwa

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