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Digital Trends You Should Take Advantage of in 2022

by Adedolapo Olisa

February 1, 2022


When it comes to marketing, change is the one constant thing you can always count on; and this is never truer than when viewed through a digital lens. The digital landscape is notoriously adaptable and ever-evolving. This makes it harder to predict changes and trends. Harder but not impossible.

Regardless of its unpredictability, certain activities and statistics can give us an insight into what digital trends to expect.

Image credit: Mega Tek ICT academy

2022 is a year that has given rise to the wide-scale adoption of crypto and NFTs. It has also seen increased discussions about the metaverse. But what implications do these events have on everyday life and how do they affect you?

Here are top digital trends in 2022 and how you can take advantage of them for your business:



Strategic Marketing Is Needed More Than Ever

The rise of AI in marketing is often discussed as an inevitable consequence of the increased automation of our world. We are seeing AI programmes writing actual movie scripts and marketing copies.

Much of digital marketing is now automated and heavily reliant on data gleaned from previous campaigns. This means businesses and organisations which are quickest to access and learn how these automated processes work will be able to benefit the most.


Image credit: Kind png

This has left room for strategic marketing; this is marketing where automated data and processes come second in the face of the human element. It focuses on human interaction, creative approaches and innovation.

How Can You Take Advantage Of This?

No matter how much AI is integrated into marketing, there will always be a need for a human touch. The best way to key into this trend while still committing to the use of AI and data is to integrate both aspects so it balances out. View your data through a human lens when strategising for your business in 2022.


Increased Connectivity In 2022

2020 and 2021 brought us the 5G wars, which saw a host of companies and corporations in an intense race to layout 5G networking systems for businesses, communities and entire nations. The Huawei-Trump spat anyone?


5G symbol

Image credit: PC Mag

This often devolved into bizarre conspiracy theories and diplomatic spats but nevertheless has proven just how vital internet connectivity is in today’s world.

Now as we settle into 2022, the world is set to fully embrace 5G (Covid scares notwithstanding) and its Wi-Fi equivalent, Wi-Fi 6.

How Can You Take Advantage Of This?

A faster (and more affordable) connection means more people will be using the internet. More people online means more potential customers for you. This is a digital trend that is expected to keep growing so you should have that in mind long term. As a business, you also have room to integrate your products and services into a wider range of devices and situations that require increased broadband strength.


Facebook, Or Meta, is Here To Stay

How many times have you heard people talk about deleting their Facebook accounts? Despite the scares and scandals, it would seem Facebook is truly here to stay. After all, a site with over 3 billion users wouldn’t just pack up even in the face of a disgraceful fall from users’ grace.

Meta logo

Image credit: The Guardian

In 2021, the company announced a name change to Meta, essentially letting the world know of their decision to be at the forefront of the Metaverse and by extension NFTs and cryptocurrency. Simultaneously, they still have a dominant hold on the world of digital marketing and social media.

How Can You Take Advantage Of This?

With the metaverse and the world of virtual reality set to become a mainstay, you will do well to explore how you can position your business and engage with customers in these new fields. More businesses are also exploring NFTs for their business in terms of one-off purchases and special editions or limited items. This is a great way to make additional income from your businesses’ intellectual property.


Full Mobile Optimization For Websites

Do you know that more people will access the internet via their mobile devices as opposed to via a computer?

Yet, a huge percentage of active websites do not have a fully integrated mobile experience. Remember how your customers view your websites plays a huge part in their purchase decisions. Moving forward website responsiveness will continue to be a huge part of the viewing experience.

In May 2020, Google introduced a new service called Core Web Vitals which will become Google ranking signals. These evaluate everything from the responsiveness of your website, to speed and mobile optimization and contribute to its ranking.

How Can You Take Advantage Of This?

This is one aspect we can definitely help you with. At Charisol, we create fully integrated websites optimised for both desktop and mobile viewing. You can view some of our previous work here and here.



2022 is a year of endless possibilities. As the world continues to fully emerge from the Covid driven cocoon, it will be fascinating to see the digital trends we have predicted take shape. We make sure to stay ahead of the latest digital trends at Charisol to ensure we always bring you the latest innovations that will be advantageous to your business.


We are Charisol, a software development agency with a community of talented software developers that leverage the “work without walls” culture to provide solutions for clients around the world. Our services span Software designing, App development, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing & Marketing, and Search Engine Optimisation. Follow us on Medium or on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn).


Picture of Adedolapo Olisa

Adedolapo Olisa

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